Technology that empowers
Cost-efficient & scalable solutions for humanitarian aid & development programmes
Experience & programme management
Our unique experience of working with local and national government agencies, humanitarian organisations, and as an independent organisation means we are the ideal partner to help design, build and implement services for the humanitarian sector.
We are well equipped to deliver and manage programmes in West- and East-Africa, having deployed teams to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Nigeria.
Aid distribution with sQuid e-vouchers
Secure, reliable electronic cash transfers transform efficiency in Aid programmes. Our end-to-end payment system with unique contactless technology makes transferring and receiving eMoney easy and cost-efficient.
sQuid enables distribution and management of cashless aid funds via a multi-purse smartcard (or via smart phone or even a biometric device) to enable humanitarian related purchases from approved merchants, helping to boost the local economy whilst providing aid to help save lives and alleviate suffering.
We have the potential to create a legacy cashless system to enable future access to electronic funds, even after the emergency response situation has ended.
Digital attendance monitoring
Available to any school, the secure data capture technology provides real-time data and insight into the reasons for non-attendance. Each student is issued with a contactless smart card which records attendance on the sQuid Android Tablet – its fast, fun to do, and provides real time data. This helps the teacher during registration, and the data helps focus on those students where regular non-attendance is a problem.
Interactive e-learning platform
Resources for schools are often limited, which affects the student’s access to learning and development tools. sQuid's eLearning platform provides access to digital learning content for students, ensuring every child has the opportunity to learn.
Utilised by the iMlango programme to enable access to educational content for 150,000 pupils in 205 schools, the flexible production platform provides learning content in multiple formats which tailors educational experiences, and delivers better education outcomes.
Contact us now to find out more
For more information, or to book a free demo, please click on the button below to get in touch